Friday 9 March 2007

'The Galapagos Project' - Julie Saul Gallery

'The Galapagos Project' is an exhibition of work by Sarah Anne Johnson on display at the Julie Saul Gallery. The work itself comprises of photographs, drawings and sculptures.
'The Galapagos Project' addresses the romantacised 'Eden' image that most people have of the Galapagos, and presents the poverty and the struggle of its people.

The concept is thought-provoking, but the photographs seem somewhat sanatised and distanced. Johnson's depictions of the people can come across as condescending, and without the historic background of the Galapagos, the exhibition presents nothing new.

The composition of the images is somewhat twee and cliched, though technically sound. The images themselves are pleasant, and if you are unfamiliar with this type of photography it's worth a look. However, poverty is a subject that has been covered extensively, and there are more intense works to see.
'The Galapagos Project' is running from February 16 - March 24
Julie Saul Gallery
535 West 22nd Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10011
tel: 212-627-2410

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