Friday 9 March 2007

Preview new designers at Bendel's

My blogs so far have focussed on menswear, so i thought I'd cover something for the ladies out there. What better way to start then telling you about a preview event at Henri Bendel in New York, Fifth Avenue.

For those of you in England who perhaps may not be as familiar with the store, Henri Bendel is an upmarket chic women's clothes shop. Bendel's has established a reputation for encouraging up and coming designers.

Twice a year they host an "open see" event, at which customers can personally review their latest merchandise, the range is vast - from fashion accessories to lingerie.

It's on a first come first seen basis, no appointments needed; so if you fancy a piece of New York glamour then head to their store on the 16th of April.

You can find Henri Bendel on 712 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY10019.

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